Dear Visitor!

Here you find examples of the work of Arnulf Kossak, artist from Linz in Austria, Europe.

Enjoy the exhibition!

Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Paintings 2001 - 2004

"Frau / Woman" 2001

"Göttin / Goddess", for sale
"Katze / Cat" 2002

"Alter Mann / Old Man", for sale
"Engel / Angel" 2002

"Tier / Animal" 2002
"Kopf / Head" 2002

"Geist / Ghost" 2002,
" Herbst /Autumn" 2002,  for sale

"Grosser Frauenkopf / Big Female Head"
"Kopf / Head"

"Nymphe / Nymph" 2002

"Satyr" 2002

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